KDOL Mission released
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KDOL Mission released

by ♣KDOL★


In the latest version (1.0.10), You can do missions to get hearts are now available.

Android Application: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hashpurple.kdol_flutter


KDOL(케이돌) - Google Play 앱

풍요로운 덕질을 위한 필수 앱 케이돌 케이돌에서 최애 아이돌을 만나보세요! 하트를 모아서 최애에게 투표하고 나의 최애를 응원해주세요!


iOS Application: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1524477967



‎The best app for kpop fangirls / fanboys who want to stay tuned Meet your beloved Idol in KDOL!! Gather hearts and vote for my bias and cheer for my bias!


However, in the case of iOS 14 or higher, you must perform 'Allow Tracking' of the pop-up message.

If you have already pressed 'Not to Track', you need to change the setting.
Go to 'setting' on your device> Click 'KDOL' >Turn on 'Allow Tracking'

Android Application: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hashpurple.kdol_flutter


KDOL(케이돌) - Google Play 앱

풍요로운 덕질을 위한 필수 앱 케이돌 케이돌에서 최애 아이돌을 만나보세요! 하트를 모아서 최애에게 투표하고 나의 최애를 응원해주세요!


iOS Application: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1524477967



‎The best app for kpop fangirls / fanboys who want to stay tuned Meet your beloved Idol in KDOL!! Gather hearts and vote for my bias and cheer for my bias!





How to Vote for your Bias in Kdol.me

 1. Download KDOL Application Android Application: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hashpurple.kdol_flutter KDOL(케이돌) - Google Play 앱 풍요로운 덕질을 위한 필수 앱 케이돌 케이돌에서..



