BTS, were racially discriminated against?
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BTS, were racially discriminated against?

by ♣KDOL★

BTS was discriminated against by an American card company.

On the 16th (local time), Topps released the 2021 Topps Garbage Pail Kids: The Shammy Awards on its official website. The product was released in commemoration of the 63rd Grammy Awards and depicts Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, Billie Eilish, Megan Distalion, Harry Styles and BTS, who staged the ceremony.

The problem is the BTS card. Topps described them as moles in a game console. In particular, the members have been hit several times by the phonograph, which means the Grammy trophy, with faces full of bruises and wounds.

Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and Harry Styles melted the "Grammy Awards" stage and produced the cards, but BTS card did not avoided allegations that the cards were intended to be ridiculed.

The controversy grew as Billboard also posted links related to the product on its official website and Twitter. Fans at home and abroad continued to criticize the incident, calling it "racism." On Twitter, the hashtag movement "#RacismIsntComedy" was also staged.

"I understand and apologize to consumers who are angry about BTS products," Topps said after the global fuss. We will exclude BTS cards from the set. Billboard also deleted BTS card pictures and descriptions from related postings.

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