BTS V, Samsung Galaxy S21 pictorial "A Sculpture with a Cell Phone"
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BTS V, Samsung Galaxy S21 pictorial "A Sculpture with a Cell Phone"

by ♣KDOL★

BTS V is a hot topic for showing off his image as a "photographic genius" in the newly released Samsung Galaxy pictorial. 

On the 15th, Samsung Mobile introduced a new line of 'Galaxy S21' mobile phones and released individual promotional photos of BTS members who are active as models.


V showed off his image as a "picture genius" with a neat background with no structure, a statue-like profile, and a sensuous pose with the Galaxy S21 Ultra. V's pictorial, which draws more and more admiration, is receiving explosive praise.

In the pictorial, V shows a perfect profile as if he were a computer graphic. He completed a fascinating cut with a sharp, flexible nose, deep eyes, and dark eyebrows.

It is V's eyes and the location of his cell phone that draws praise from the viewers. V chose to look at the camera from the side instead of making the viewers focus on V's face. Therefore, V's eyes were properly distributed to V's products as well. The hand holding the product also showed a sense of positioning the product in a way that shows the product completely without being disturbed by the hand rather than holding it.

V's artistic photoshoot is admired by viewers, recording more than 190,000 "likes" in just 15 hours and 200,000 "likes" in 18 hours on Samsung Mobile's official Instagram, the largest number of individual photoshoots of the Galaxy S21.

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